b'teamsynergi.co.ukWork smarter, not harderProcesses are at the heart of your organisation, providing structure andconsistency to activities and performance and many of them are governed by regulations, particularly with regards to onboarding, managing andoffboarding clients and looking after their data.Its essential therefore to ensure that your business processes are well thought out, fit for purpose, and well communicated to reduce risk, increasecompliance and demonstrate to auditors that everyone knows what they should be doing, how and when.In addition, where possible, intelligently automating your processescontributes greatly to eliminating human error and delays, both of which in the worst can cause significant reputational damage.Paperwork or processes that normally take hours or days can happen inminutes and your teams will all do things the same way, without wasting time chasing signatures, emails or lost forms.We have the tools & methodology to help you manage your evolving process landscape.'