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The dangers of remote working (and how to avoid them)

Remote working for many organisations has become the new normal this year and this has meant making people, processes and information available to individuals in a variety of locations, working from a variety of devices. For most this has meant an embrace of cloud technologies, a beneficial move that will facilitate a more flexible style of working, but like all business solutions your use of the cloud needs to be carefully considered and planned in order to ensure that it is set up to addresses your unique needs and reduce inefficiency.

So, what dangers does remote working pose and how can you utilise cloud technology to avoid these dangers? In this blog we’ll be exploring cloud process mapping tool, Nintex Promapp and how it can help you avoid business process issues (so listen closely operations teams!).


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1: Out of date or non-compliant documentation

When there are no clear guidelines of where to store information organisations can find themselves with disparate, duplicated, out-dated, and non-compliant documentation. This is poor business practice as it can create inefficiency within processes, reduce cohesion and consistency in delivery, and could even result in non-compliancy fines. The non-compliancy and non-standard formatting of this documentation is further complicated by its scattered storage, leading to a lack of content and process ownership.

Promapp is a complete business mapping tool that works to centralise disparate information and create a single source of truth. Users can collaborate using real-time feedback, encouraging continuous improvement of content. With regards to compliancy, automated changelogs, RACI table updates, and stakeholder email notifications all serve to increase process auditability.


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2: Documented processes that are difficult to manage and keep up to date

The days of static procedure manuals should be over and yet often aren’t. These static documents leave themselves at risk of becoming outdated, redundant and ignored. Nintex Promapp offers simple, highly visual tools through which users can map, edit, and approve business processes. Users can customise their own personal dashboard highlighting the processes that are relevant to them and avoiding information overload. Users are initially presented only with those processes they participate in or have ownership for and are notified of any changes to those processes.


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3: Inefficiencies and duplication of work

An issue that arises out of the lack of centralisation of documentation or process information is the duplication of existing work. Staff who aren’t aware of work that already exists spend unnecessary time either duplicating work or creating workarounds. When this duplication or alteration occurs, processes begin to diverge between departments creating issues surrounding brand management violations and spreading of bad practice.

By offering a centralised area for processes, policies, and related documentation, Promapp reduces the risk of duplication of work and fosters a single version of the truth. This saves time, improves efficiency and unites not only business processes but brand messaging.


Process Mapping

Business process management is about building and sustaining process improvements, uniting processes and people, and treating process insights as a key asset. Modern process mapping offers simple and easily editable maps that can be built using drag and drop capabilities, opening process ownership up to those who are not comfortable with complex technological tools.

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Nintex Promapp

Nintex Promapp is the complete business process mapping tool from digital automation leaders, Nintex. Promapp allows organisations to establish total visibility and control over their enterprise processes and encourage company-wide collaboration, innovation, and accountability. Nintex Promapp helps companies build, improve, and share their process knowledge from a central online repository. This ultimately allows organisations to improve their efficiency and unify their processes.


To find out more about how you can make the most out of remote working and avoid any potential dangers, get in touch today for a free consultation with our team of cloud technology experts. Call 0191 4770365 or email enquiries@teamsynergi.co.uk.

Or check out some additional resources:

Nintex website

Nintex webpage

Automation webpage

Nintex and Synergi

Nintex Promapp case studies

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